Gainan's Flowers & Garden Center

Gainan's Flowers & Garden Center

Posted by gainans on September 21, 2020 | Last Updated: September 23, 2020 Uncategorized

Keep Your Home Green with Easy to Grow Plants

A great way to bring a little bit of nature into your home is with some beautiful, lush, green houseplants. If you’re afraid that you might not be able to take care of them, don’t worry. We’ve listed here for you the top six indoor plants that are the easiest to grow and the hardest to kill. Pick from the list and enjoy the many benefits of having plants around you.

Friendly Plants Perfect for Beginners

Pothos (Devil’s Ivy)

Pothos is an attractive trailing vine plant with medium-sized leaves that are dark green or yellow and green variegated. They look best on top of a tall bookshelf or in a hanging planter. They are hard to kill and can tolerate nearly any type of growing environment. They can also hand infrequent waterings for those who sometimes forget to water their plants. For your pothos to thrive, place in indirect medium light and water once every one to two weeks.

ZZ Plant

Another plant which is actually a succulent, the ZZ plant has dark green, oval leaves that have a waxy shine and grow in abundance from vertical stems giving the plant a lush look. The ZZ Plant is nearly indestructible and can survive adverse conditions such as low light and drought. They can be placed anywhere in the home and will do just fine but prefer bright to moderate indirect light. Let the solid completely dry out between waterings.

Phalaenopsis Orchid

The beautiful “Moth Orchid” is actually a very easy orchid variety to grow indoors. Their stunning, beautiful blooms can last up to four months and can bloom as often as twice a year. This is a pretty forgiving plant and can last up to 10 years. Place in a an area with low light, no full sun, and water once a week when in bloom. Once the bloom is off, you only need to water it every two weeks.

Monstera (Swiss Cheese Plant)

For a plant that has a bit of drama, pick up a Mostera, also known as Swiss Cheese Plant due to the unusual holes in the leaves. Large, glossy green leaves give off a very lush, tropical vibe. This plant is easy to manage and requires very little maintenance. Although, it can growt rather large but it’s easy to prune. Just place in a spot that gets indirect bright light and water once a week during spring and summer. Every other week during the fall and winter is fine.

Jade Plant

A great plant for beginners, the Jade Plant, which is a succulent, grows easily and is not very demanding. Its thick, dark green, waxy leaves retain water so it can go a while between waterings. The Jade Plant can also grow to large size so prune accordingly. Place in full sun and water only when the soil feels dry for this beauty to thrive.

Rubber Plant

With large, oval-shaped leaves that are thick and glossy, this is a plant that makes a statement. They are easy to grow, require little maintenance, and are fairly hardy. For optimum growth, place in a well lit, indirect light area and keep the soil moist. The Rubber Plant is a great air purifying plant but may be toxic to pets.